
6 Inspirational Quotes From Successful People You Need To Follow

Have you ever, unexpectedly, come across anything, a quote, a saying, a line from some movie, a picture, frankly, just about anything, that instantly inspired you? That made you want to take some action right away? That made you feel so motivated that you did not care about the hurdles: all you wanted was just to start doing something!

That is the power of a motivational quote and the way in which it can affect you. The taste, actually the dream of success that a motivational quote can give you, is enough to help just about anyone get a new lease on their internal energy and make them achieve more and more success in life.

Why You Need Some Motivational Quotes Around

As students, it is very easy to realize, soon after you have gained admission to any of the prestigious institutions across the country, that life is not really the bed of roses you had expected it to be. Nor are you able to effortlessly ace through all your subjects without bothering to study or sweat over them at all. That being the case, it is easy for that initial enthusiasm to erode rather quickly so that you end up viewing your time spent studying, more as a chore than a timeout period during which you have the opportunity to learn as much as you possibly can.

The task of studying, learning new knowledge, writing dissertations, occasionally even hiring dissertation writing services to assist you with your work is all okay, but you need to enhance your experiences during this period also. Here is what we would advise you to follow:

  • Studying so consistently, occasionally even failing at your subjects, can all have their toll on you and your level of motivation. You begin to experience that gnawing feeling of hopelessness; if there is one thing you would most prefer to do at this moment, it is to give up so that you could just get out of this sphere that you suddenly seem to have become locked in. If that is the way you are beginning to feel, then remember these words by the United States’ first black President, Barack Obama. Having faced numerous obstacles, even incidents where he was the brunt of racist attacks, here is what he had to say:

The best way to not feel hopeless is to get up and do something. Don’t wait for good things to happen to you. If you go out and make some good things happen, you will fill the world with hope, you will fill yourself with hope.”

  • Yes, of course, it is hard trying to not give up on hope, especially when life seems to be so very hard, and you are going through such a patch. Thoughts such as the idea that your life has become a living hell are likely the only ones going through your mind at this point, but if that is the case, remember these words by Winston Churchill:

If you are going through hell, keep going.” And rest easy, you’ll reach the end eventually.

  • Besides, if you are in hell, and you feel that there is nothing that you can do, or that you are not responsible for creating the mess that you are in, and so should not do anything about clearing it up, remember Colin Powell’s saying:

A dream doesn’t become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination, and hard work.” So work hard towards your dream.

  • Do remember these words by George Bernard Shaw:

“Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.” To create a better life for yourself.

  • In all of this, try not to forget that you are only alive once, so you need to live your life. Get help as and when you need because as Oprah Winfrey says:

“The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate.”

  • At the end of the day, even when you feel you are making no progress at all, remember what Confucius had to say:

“It does not matter how slowly you go, so long as you do not stop.”


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